Friday, September 1


Things haven't been all bad lately, but some things have been kind of poo-ey. Namely my car, which is still not fixed. I will be sans vehicle over the long weekend. I will have some friends coming around, but still, I would like to be able to get around myself. Oh well.

Aside from that, this week has included various crafting, TV, naps, cat bonding sessions, cooking, etc. Nothing too earth shattering.

I have not been all that motivated to write here, because everything that really matters is in my head, where it should stay. I haven't even written much in my real journal; ya know, the kind made of paper. I'm internal now. It's okay. I'll be something else tomorrow. I always am.

I feel like I'm longing for something, or someone, but it's a nameless dull ache.